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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Working without protective gear

These are photographs of workers who are dangerously perched several storeys high on buildings without helmets or harnesses.

The first picture is of a man painting an under-construction bridge. The painter is balanced on scaffolding and has a bucket in one hand and a large paintbrush in the other. There is nothing to hold him in the event of his losing his balance and neither are his hands free. The only thing that saves him everytime is that he is fairly young and used to this type of work. Although there are rules that forbid people from working without safety gear, not everyone follows them.

painter without helmet

In this picture you can see two workers putting up a temporary structure during the Ganpati festival. The worker on the left has climbed up with alacrity without any fear of falling. He has no helmet and nor does he have proper footwear for safety. One has to wonder how the man has even reached this height as there is no crane or staircase in sight.

workers without safety gear

This photographs gives us and idea as to how he reached the place. He has climbed in through a gap in the wooden temporary structure.

construction worker without helmet


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