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Friday, April 13, 2012

Tramps on the streets of Italy

These are photographs of poor men on the pavements in Italian cities. They were not women tramps that one could see, unlike in India which has both men and women on the streets and ofcourse many more of them!

This tramp was lying on a fancy pavement in Bologna, Italy. His posture and the way his belongings are lying around him makes one feel that he could be a drunk although the can next to him is a soft drink can.
tramp lying on pavement

This tramp certainly looks as if he is very poor. He is eating of a piece of paper. There was also a wild look in his eyes.
tramp eating on street-side

This is a closer look at the blue-eyed tramp. He looks very old, probably nearing the age of 80.
close up of tramp eating on pavement

Images of poverty from India:  Old Women Destitutes and Beggars or Homeless in India - Photographs  or Disabled Beggars  or  Child Beggars  or Old and elderly women in India  or Destitutes and beggars - portraits of old men  or Man sleeping on tractor

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