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Monday, April 2, 2012

Photos of trucks

These are pictures of trucks, either on the highway, the ghat or the road. Trucks parked, trucks on the road.  They usually block the complete road, and do not bother to follow directions to keep to the left. Buses also behave in a similar manner as can be seen from the photo. Motorists have a tough time, as overtaking these huge vehicles can become difficult. 
These are not modern trucks, but old models which are frequently seen in developing countries.

trucks blocking the expressway

Trucks carry huge loads on narrow roads, including dangerous stuff like gas and large things which could roll off and cause accidents!

heavy trucks on highway

A high contrast photo of trucks lined up at a petrol station. The petrol pump is lighted up for some reason making it a pretty picture.

trucks at night at petrol station

This is a picture of trucks with a painted effect. A graphic.

three painted trucks

Related Images: Taxis and auto rickshaws crammed with people or Accidents scenes - overturned and smashed vehicles photos Garbage trucks or dumpers in India

Or try Truck Art and Truck Painting

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