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Monday, October 8, 2012

Diya graphics and illustrations and Sketch

These are simple coloured graphics of a diya or deepak or deep and are small earthen lamps used in festivals across India. It is an essential part of any religious ritual and Diwali or Deepawali is a Festival of Lights. During this festivals it is a tradition to light as many of these tiny lights as possible, as a kind of decoration of the house.

Fire itself has significance in all religions, and these diyas or lamps in Hinduism are symbols of purification and truth and upliftment.

All of these images are simple graphics of a multi-colored clay diya or small clay lamp. This one is a colourful illustration of a clay lamp
clay lamp illustration

A waxy effect and look given to the diya image, using the plastic wrap function of Photoshop.

illustration of a lighted lamp with a waxy effect

A painted and colored illustration of a clay lamp or diya, giving a slightly diffused effect.
painted lamp illustration

A glowing outline of a diya on a black background. A glowing line drawing.
glowing outline of a lighted Diwali lamp

A black and white sketch of the same diya or lighted clay lamp.
sketch of clay lamp

Related Images: More religion oreinted graphis: Swastika graphics from India
Or Flowers with special effects useful for simple header images
Or check out all the posts under the different labels below this post.


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