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Friday, October 5, 2012

Emu the bird

Although native to Australia, these pictures are of Emus in India, at an Emu farm.

Emus are farmed for their oil, and leather and the meat, although not a white meat, is lean and thus healthy. Besides, it has low levels of cholesterol, is  high in iron, and ofcourse protein and is low-fat. The drawbacks are that it is a little tricky to cook, and also expensive. Perhaps that is why it has not become popular.

Emu the bird

The face of an Emu. An Emu's facial features consists of dark bristly hair, yellow staring eyes and a prominent beak.
Emu face

The profile of an Emu!
side-view of an Emu bird

A bunch of emus prancing around at an Emu farm.
Emu birds in a farm

An Emu sitting down.

Related Images: Fortune Telling by a parrot! or or Silhouettes of birds in flight  or Weaver Birds Images or check out some other posts on Birds.


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