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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kuala Lumpur photographs

A serene view of a main street in Kuala Lumpur showing the Merdeka Square with one of its most famous buildings which is also a  historical landmark. Primarily famous for its Islamic style architecture, it was built in colonial times and today houses the courts. It has 40-metre high clock tower.

Merdeka Square and main road in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

A Kuala Lumpur street with its trademark palm tree and iconic buildings in the background. A pretty street-lamp adds interest to the picture.
street in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

The skycrapers of Kuala Lumpur are impressive and ofcourse the twin towers have come to symbolize Malaysia. 
skyscrapers of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

There's more to Kuala Lumpur that it's fancy buildings and skyscrapers. This picture that more than just encapsulates Kuala Lumpur, with it's metro running over a busy and bustling modern city. Fancy cars and ads in the foreground.
busy city street with metro in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

In the foreground there is a fancy lit-up part of a mall, and in the background the iconic Petronas twin towers of Kuala Lumpur.
commercial mall in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

All of KL is not pretty or rich. This photograph shows the housing of the poorer section of the society.
housing for the poor in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

Related Images: Kuala Lumpur Skyline or Kuala Lumpur Skyline at Night photo and colored illustration or
Kuala Lumpur Skyline Sketch and Silhouette
You might also like Skylines or Urban Landscapes


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