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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Biscuit packs photos

Photos of biscuits packs. These biscuits are of various kinds and from different companies. The first photograph is of some health biscuits like Britannia NutriChoice 5 grain biscuits, Sunfeats Marie Light, Britannia Hi Fibre Digestive and Horlicks biscuits. The packaging and colours used for the packs seems very similar. While white refined flour biscuits like Marie have a glycemic index- (showing how high foods get converted into energy) which could range from 75-90. This is unhealthy. Digestive biscuits have a better glycemic index, around mid-range. The longer the foods stay in the stomach the better it is because it prevents you from becoming hungry again soon!

This is a mix of different types of biscuit packs like Britannia Nutrichoice cream crackers and Pure Magic chocolate cream biscuits, Monaco salted biscuits, Parle G, Goodday and Hide & Seek biscuits. These multi-colored biscuits makes it difficult to distinguish between each! Monaco seems to have some unique packaging and the brand name stands out. Most biscuits have calories which can range from 35 (small, salted  biscuits) to about 80 or so. (sweet, large biscuits)

Another view of the packaging of the different brand of biscuits. All in all very colourful packaging, designed to attract children.

Related Pictures: Processed Juices in India or Instant Noodles Stock Photo or Processed foods in India
Or for more try the label "Processed Food" or "Snacks" for cooked snacks.

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