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Friday, September 7, 2012

Funny Signs from Thailand

This sign on a private taxi was hilarious. The images painted on the window inform you about the various activities which are forbidden inside the van which has dark tinted windows. These range from peeing to having sex in different positions! In India these type of signs would be banned for being obscene.

hilarious sign on a private taxi window in Thailand

This sign at the Koh Sumai airport is funny. It warns you to be suspicious of foreigners who are thieves but they are not saying so in so many words!

warning sign at Thai airport

This is another sign at the airport and instead of a set of simple instructions they have chosen to ask you questions!
instructions at Thai airport

There is nothing funny about this notice board except that it looks like an informal notice board of a school instead of any airport. Cute.

notice board at Thailand airport

More humorous signboards: Funny English Signs (for wrong English) or Funny Road Signs in India or Interesting signs with funny instructions! Happy Birthday Political Posters or Thieves beware signs from the UK


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