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Friday, November 26, 2010

Nubian Village of Egypt

These are pictures of a Nubian Village. Nubia lies along the Nile and is partly in Egypt and partly in northern Sudan. Tourists are often taken to see a typical Nubian village because of its different architectural style. The Nubian culture has existed since ancient times.

This particular village is meant for tourists to see and the houses are show-cased.

Nubian village huts

This is the living room in a Nubian hut. It has wall paintings and other decorations.

a Nubian village hut with wall paintings

Another picture of the living area.

living room nubian village

This is a Nubian kitchen, a mix of the ancient decorations on the walls and  modern plastics. The hut belongs to a poor family.

Nubian village hut kitchen

Related Images: Nubian Boatman from Egypt
For pictures of Egypt's capital city try this post: Cairo City Photographs
For a photograph of men smoking hookah in Cairo try this one: Smoking hookah on the streets of Cairo or to know more about Ancient Egypt try this one: Temple and statues of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt


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