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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Knife Sharpener from India

Here is how a poor man is making his living - sharpening knives and other objects. He lives and works in the same area. The first pictures speaks a thousand words about his lifestyle. The wood stoves, the small bed and the hanging blanket. Pots and pans lying around.

The knife sharpening tool or machine he is using is rarely seen in the modern world. It's an old machine.

knife sharpener working in his hut

The knife sharperner is checking to see whether the sickle is sharpened enough.

knife sharpening

Sparks flying off the sickle he is sharpening.
old knife sharpening machine

You might also like: Indian Cobblers or Artisans in India or Glass making - photos of a glass maker at work or Indian Artisans making small statues or Masons at Work

There are also a lot of photographs of other occupations ranging from weaving, tailoring to painting and you can check out the label Occupations  or Skilled Labour


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