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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Street kids playing cricket

These are pictures of poor children playing cricket in an abandoned ground in a public place in an urban area. Cricket is very popular in India but most children don't have a place to play as most schools do not have proper playgrounds.

A child hitting the cricket ball gingerly. The dark coloured ball can be seen directly above the edge of the bat.

child batting while playing cricket

Engrossed in the game of cricket.

street kids playing cricket

The children enjoying the camera! One of them is posing with the bat.

poor kids playing and laughing

More Images of poor children playing, working and studying: Children playing without toys or Children playing Holi in semi-rural India or Child Labour or Working children or Photographs of children studying outdoors or Child Beggars
Or try the label "Children" for all pictures of kids on this website.



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