
Thursday, September 1, 2011

City parks and gardens

These are photographs of people relaxing, jogging, and enjoying themselves in a well maintained municipal park.

This image shows a childrens park and some buildings in the background and in the foreground you can see people sitting on benches and chatting.
crowded park

A couple sitting in a park on a bench and watching the world go by. A jogging track is seen in the image.
couple on bench in park

This a bird's eye view of the beautiful Priyadarshani park next to the Arabian sea in South Mumbai. The jogging track which runs parallel to the sea can be seen in the image. It is lined by palm trees. It is a vast piece of land belonging to the government but is being maintained by citizens groups. There are reports that the government plans to destroy this rare piece of open space in Mumbai. Already open spaces have been usurped by unscrupulous builders and while this land may belong legitimately to the government, people deserve the open space it provides.
priyadarshani park in Mumbai

Related Images: Swimming pools and people swimming or Children's Playground with slides, jungle gym and play station

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