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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Children and teenagers playing Holi with colours

Here are some photographs of people playing Holi. Urban kids and teens playing Holi with balloons, colored water and pichkaris. At one time the people of Maharashtra played Holi on the day of Rang Panchami, which comes five days after the day of Holi. Today they play on the day of Holi, like in North India. Holi is celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon day of the lunar month. For more on the significance of Holi try this link.

These are images of children and teenagers spraying coloured water on each other. There are buckets filled with coloured water. The clothes of the children are dirty, muddy and coloured.
teens playing with colors in India

A group of children spray coloured water on each other. Others prepare their pichkaris to spray the water. Today natural colors are rarely used as it was in the olden days. The chemical colours are harmful for the skin and body.
playing with coloured water during Holi

Children love throwing colours on each other. It is all fun and games, but then ignorance is bliss.
kids playing with colors during Holi

Here a few children are mixing some thick colour in the palms of their hands. This is often applied to people's faces and can cause a rash or other allergic reaction. Almost all of the blues and greens are chemical colors but are rubbed on to the face regardless. For some reason parents do not caution their children.
girls mixing colors during Holi

Playing with water is the best. But then most teens will look down on it. Here you can see the faces of the boys smeared with chemical colours. There have been cases where blindness has been caused due to the use of these colours.
boys with faces smeared with colour paste

In this picture the older boy is helping the younger one to fill a plastic pichkari with water or colour.
filling a pichhari with coloured water

Related Images:  Children playing Holi in semi-rural India


  1. Looks like you really got variety, like the many colours of holi!!

    Destination Infinity

  2. olors are very important for human nobody and skin. These colors were traditionally made with Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilwa and other medicinal herbs prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors.gender reveal


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